M.Sc. in Climate Sciences
Marina Ganci: Quasi-stationary Mediterranean Cyclones
- Katia Hidalgo: Temperature-mortality projections under climate change scenarios in Peru (pdf, 5 MB)
Noa Kurz: Evaluating the Profitability of Multi-Strata Agroforestry Systems in Madre de Díos, Peru.
- Jenny Mascarucci: Assessing the Fiscal Impact of Hurricanes on Counties in Florida (pdf, 1 MB)
Fabio Petrig: Emission reduction and Climate Contribution Strategy for the Wyss Academy for Nature
- Quentin Rossier: Influence of multi-year La Niña on the Australian Monsoon (pdf, 4.6 MB)
- Sebastian Wu: Exploring Subnational Climate Target Adoption in the Paris Agreement Era: The Case of US States (pdf, 2.1 MB)
- Carole Bouverat: Climate Change and Maternal Health: Modelling the Impact of Heat Stress among Subsistence Farmers in The Gambia (pdf, 3.7 MB)
- Anton Braun: ‘green’ investment without a handle: finding effective innovation policies (pdf, 1.1 MB)
Marta Corrà: Projecting Antarctica’s Ice Dynamics under Solar Radiation Modification Scenarios using the Parallel Ice Sheet Model
Sonia Flückiger: Radar-based hailstone sizing: Recalibrating MESHS to Swiss conditions
Mirjam Gerber: Living in the Urban Heat Island - The Impact of Heat Stress on the Quality of LIfe of the Urban Population of Bern, Switzerland
- Nicolas Hartmann: Tracking Heatwaves in the Northern Hemisphere (pdf, 2.1 MB)
Simon Hofer: Soil organic carbon stocks and drivers thereof in a Swiss agroforestry system
Ursula Huonder: A multi-proxy reconstruction of Late Glacial and Holocene mountain vegetation dynamics in Central Switzerland
Sol Leslie Kislig: Coming for your burgers: Enabling factors for the adoption of innovation-oriented policies supporting meat substitutes (Working title).
- Catherine Li: Global assessment of marine heatwaves and their impact on sea-air CO2 fluxes (pdf, 3.8 MB)
- Sarah Ogi: Aquatic productivity, anoxia and sedimentary pigment dynamics in Lake Amseldingen in the past Millennium (pdf, 4.7 MB)
Anna Porucznik: Ecosystem Services’ assessment of Nature-based Solutions. Scenario analysis across four urban brownfield development sites in Europe
- Leonardo Quirino Olvera: Coupling EM-DAT Reported Flash Floods with IMERG Precipitation Data (pdf, 1.6 MB)
Jamin Rentsch: Severe European Droughts in the last 600 years - Analysis of the scPDSI since the 15th century
Julian Tscharner: Thermal Mapping of Urban Microclimates: Correcting Drone Imagery for Vegetation Cooling Assessment.
- Adrienne Wehrli: The Impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect on Mortality in the City of Bern (pdf, 7.1 MB)
- Peter Weibel: Impact of air pollution on greyhound racing performance (pdf, 4.6 MB)
- Andrea Angelidou: Convective environments along Mediterranean cyclone tracks: exploring severe surface weather (pdf, 17.8 MB)
- Stella Berzina: Co-occurrence of hail and precipitation (pdf, 15 MB)
- Olivia Bolliger: Case study: Regulatory failures within wetland protection in Switzerland (pdf, 6.6 MB)
Charles Brabbs: Effectiveness of protected areas in conserving ecosystem properties affected by land cover and land use change driven by an invasive alien species in Baringo County, Kenya
- Simon Braissant: Modelling of political decision-making processes in Swiss climate policy with different conditions for participation by civil societies (pdf, 2.7 MB)
- Linnea Bühler: Source Regions of Sea Salt Aerosols in Dome C under Present Day and Last Glacial Maximum Conditions (pdf, 3.9 MB)
- Martina Burger: Fire Signal Detection in Remote Sensing Carbon Data (pdf, 9.5 MB)
- Nicole Bütikofer: Swiss Farmers’ Views on the Role of Soil Management to Mitigate Impacts of Droughts and Extreme Precipitation (pdf, 2.2 MB)
- Violet Ann Buxton-Walsh: Economic impacts of solar radiation management with stratospheric aerosol injection due to productivity loss and/or mortality (pdf, 3.6 MB)
Philipp Christ: The impact of hurricanes in the Carribean on London insurance stock prices in the 19th century
- Ryan Conway: Projecting Climate Change Impacts on Winter Wheat Growth in Switzerland: Calibratîng the WoFoSt Crop Simulation Model (pdf, 4.6 MB)
- Heather Corden: Investigating the planetary boundary layer height in the CLOUDLAB field campaign (pdf, 1.8 MB)
- William Jayko: How active are energy actors in the US climate policy subsystem? A descriptive analysis of energy actors’ collaboration activities within belief coalitions in the US climate policy subsystem (pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Sabina Kurmann: Analysis of spatial and temporal variations of innovative tracers in the Vallon de Nant (pdf, 6.2 MB)
- Joas Müller: Abrupt climate change in the subpolar North Atlantic: Drivers and Impacts (pdf, 18.6 MB)
Miriam Mutti: NDVI-based vegetation dynamics in Ukraine from 1980 to 2020 and under the influence of the war from 2022
Claudia Pusch: Comparison of PGW and conventional downscaling in km-resolution Alpine simulations of heavy precipitation
- Doriana Sabbatini: Public Perceptions of and Behavioral Responses to Urban Heat Stress in Bern (pdf, 3.7 MB)
- Annika Schmidt: Optimal operation of the Energiezentrale Forsthaus and the impact on its CO2-balance (pdf, 4.4 MB)
- Nils Spycher: Estimating food delivery customers' willingness to pay for ecological and reusable packaging (pdf, 7.6 MB)
- Rafael Stähli: Local versus non-local effects of land cover changes: Comparing methods of signal separation for temperature responses (pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Mariam Touati: Retrieval of methane emissions of the oil and gas industry in Romania from TROPOMI aboard Sentinel 5 Precursor (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Anouk Van der Horst: Late Glacial and Holocene vegetation, fire, and land use dynamics at Lago de Isoba (Cantabrian Range, Spain)
- Tamara Baumann: Counterfactual risk analysis of tropical cyclones (pdf, 11.3 MB)
Ursina Dorer: Learning Spillovers in Renewable Energy Production and their Role in Phasing out Fossil Fuels (preliminary title)
Olympia Facchinetti: Designing policies to induce the onset of the forest transition at high forest cover levels in developing countries
Costanza Fileccia: Climate, economic outcomes, and adaptation: Evidence from Indian agriculture
Sandra Fritsche: Tropical Cyclone Damage Propagation - An Impact Assessment of Tropical Cyclone Damage Related Repercussions on Economic Flows to Europe
- Michael Herrmann: Forest fire and its relationship to large-scale atmospheric circulation (pdf, 5.3 MB)
- Severin Kaderli: Coding of a Rossby wave breaking detection algorithm in Python (pdf, 10.4 MB)
Nadine Kunz: Future climate change impacts on forests of the Canton of Bern, Switzerland
- Yoojin Lee: The Impact of EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) on Republic of Korea (pdf, 2.1 MB)
- Zoe Linder: Climate change impacts on irrigation water resource available from rivers in Switzerland (pdf, 4.1 MB)
- Zhijun Liu: Noble Gases as Mean Ocean Temperature Proxies in Preindustrial and Last Glacial Maximum Simulations (pdf, 2.9 MB)
Mehdi Mattou: Dry spells in Switzerland and persistent weather regimes in the ERA5 reanalysis period
- Lukas Meyer: Analyzing potential drivers of Recurrent Rossby Wave Packets using Causal Inference (pdf, 3.9 MB)
- Thierry Müller: Assessment of the surface urban heat island in Bern by utilizing “ESTARFM” to fuse the Landsat and MODIS land surface temperature products (pdf, 3.1 MB)
Azzurra Pistone: Simulating past and future refugia for temperate trees in Northern Italy
- Vanessa Rippstein: Trends in Tropical Nights and their Effects on Mortality in Switzerland across 50 years (pdf, 4.5 MB)
- Lea Schmutz: Induced technological change and its importance for the energy transition (pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Ursina Schwyn: Hail occurrence in the Napf region in Switzerland (pdf, 3.2 MB)
Philip Stevanon: Vegetation Changes since the late Middle Ages around Bern, Switzerland
Marta Tarruella: The Cost of Climate Change Mitigation on Swiss Farms
- Sabrina Thaler Minke: Development of an optimal data screening method for a climate field reconstruction based on data assimilation (pdf, 6.2 MB)
- Luis von Gunten: Modelling of «Zusammenschlüsse zum Eigengebrauch» (ZEV) (self-consumption communities) in Bern and assessment of their economic profitability (pdf, 9.6 MB)
- Lea Weissenberger: Local Impacts of Tornadoes (pdf, 6.9 MB)
Meixi Zhang: Insigthts Topic Modeling Provides for Swiss Interest Groups' Drivers in the Energy and Climate Subsystems
- Lidia-Marta Amarandi-Netedu: Investigating the characteristics and origins of ultrafine primary particles and new particle formation events at the rural Payerne observatory (pdf, 3.6 MB)
- Timo Bollinger: Extreme Value Analysis for Bushfire House Losses in Australia (pdf, 0.7 MB)
- Linnéa Fridén: Heatwaves and preterm birth in Switzerland (pdf, 2.4 MB)
- Maria Gallmann: Depicting climate change in a vulnerable country: Agenda-setting and a discourse network approach on Philippine brandsheet media (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Delphine Gilliard: Dissolved chromium concentration and δ53Cr as a tool to quantify the strength of the biological pump in the South Pacific Ocean
- Luc Hächler: High resolution record of primary productivity and anoxia in the context of the environmental history of Lago di Mezzano, Central Italy, since the Late Glacial (pdf, 12.1 MB)
Juhyeong Han: High resolution CH4 and N20 measurement in EDC ice core during the penultimate deglaciation and synthesis of studies for the time period
- André Hürzeler: Assessing the Urban Heat Island of Bern - a Comparison of three Heat Waves using the Urban Climate Model MUKLIMO_3 (pdf, 3.2 MB)
Sophie Kaufmann: International Environmental Agreements and Trade Sanctions: A Game-Theoretical Analysis of the Impact of a Border Tax Adjustment
- Christoph Kestenholz: The effect of humidity in association with high temperatures on health outcomes (pdf, 7.8 MB)
- Raeleigh Price: Attribution of Winter Wheat Yield Variability to Climate Drivers in Switzerland (pdf, 1.5 MB)
Nils Rietze: Seasonal Glacier Mass Balance Estimation Using AVHRR Imagery
- Sidharth Sivaraj: Constraining the occurrence probability of compound hot and dry summers in CMIP5 models by using an observational constraint on the dependence between temperature and precipitation (pdf, 15.1 MB)
- Juan Sebastián Avella Dallos: Farmers’ Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Municipality of Inzá, Colombia (pdf, 3.1 MB)
- Jack Baker: Indexing Vertical Policy Harmonization in the Two-Level Climate Change Regime (pdf, 3.8 MB)
Pablo Carballo: The Impact of Hurricane Strikes on Cruise Ship and Airplane Arrivals in the Carribean
- Samuel Ehret: Projected changes in extreme integrated water vapor transport directed towards Switzerland (pdf, 1.9 MB)
- Tobias Frischknecht: Radiocarbon in an Earth System Model (CESM2) (pdf, 4.5 MB)
Anita Fuchs: Climate Change Awareness and Preparedness in Swiss Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
- Conall Heussaff: Incentives to Decentralise: Community Energy in Ireland’s Electricity Sector (pdf, 6.2 MB)
- Michael Keller: Wildfires in Switzerland – An Extreme Value Analysis (pdf, 1.5 MB)
Jodok Kramer: International Emission Permit Market with Refunding: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Countries
- Thomas Lanz: Lagrangian Analysis of Thunderstorms in Switzerland (pdf, 3.8 MB)
- Kathrine Link: Extreme Events in Millennial Aerosol Records from the East GRIP S6 Ice Core from Greenland (pdf, 1.7 MB)
- Flavia Mäder: Detecting Avalanches Linking Seasonal Dynamics of Snow-Covered Area to Wet-Snow Avalanche Activity (pdf, 1.8 MB)
Sarah Meier: The Effect of Natural Disasters on Religious Affiliation in the US with a Special Focus on Tropical Storms
Elise Moret: Extreme Value Analysis of Avalanches Leading to Building Damage in the Swiss Alps
Eléonore Perret: Analysis of isolated carbonate platforms in Lake Joux
Sabine Rothenbühler: Assessing drought-induced mortality of pine and beech
Carolina Senn: Modern pollen – vegetation – plant diversity relationships across large environmental gradients in northern Greece
- Isabelle Vieli: Swiss Volkskalender of the 18th and 19th Centuries – A New Source of Climate History (pdf, 4.8 MB)
- Louis Frey: The Spatiotemporal Evolution of the Temperature Forced Variance Ratio over the Common Era (pdf, 8.7 MB)
Katrin Leuenberger: Conflicts in river renaturation and flood prevention projects
Thomas Rölli: Implementation of a probabilistic model for shallow landslides in CLIMADA
Eva Wieser: Many impacts and even more responses. Climate adaptation in Swiss Cantons: Explaining the diversity of political answers
Moritz Bandhauer: Historical reconstruction and numerical simulation of an extreme flood event on Lago Maggiore in 1868
- Luca Bussani: Grassland biodiversity indicators in the western Swiss Plateau – Modelling possible impacts of climate vs. management changes (pdf, 3.1 MB)
Lorenzo Di Marco: Synoptic circulation patterns and mesoscale features associated with local extreme precipitation in Switzerland
- Julian Flückiger: Glacier-friendly weather? Sub-daily pressure and temperature data from the city of Bern around the mid-19th century (pdf, 2.5 MB)
Luca Renato Frigerio: Historical flood records in Switzerland- Analysis of weather patterns
Sylvia Gassner: 20'000 years of interaction between climate, vegetation and land-use in Northern Greece
Nicole Glaus: Holocene flood events and sediment flux in Alpine lake Grosssee (Flumserberg, Switzerland)
Lisbeth Haberbauer: Investigating the underlying mechanisms driving inter-annual variability in wood density
Simone Herpich: Importance of public and private investments in EU building energy efficiency to reach the Paris Agreement climate goals
- Anna Kulakovskaya: Environmental public goods and endogenous technological change: a game-theoretical analysis of incentives to invest in climate technology in a non-cooperative setting (pdf, 1.1 MB)
- Amanda Lebic: A Two-Mode Network Analysis of Issue Areas Linked to Climate Change and International Organizations in Geneva (pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Moritz Johannes Pickl: Changing teleconnection patterns in the North Atlantic from 850 to 2100 AD - The role of atmosphere-ocean-sea ice interactions (pdf, 16.4 MB)
- Alden Ackerman: Intertemporal Allocation of Water (pdf, 1.2 MB)
Céline Aymon: Analysis and optimization of the ice-albedo feedback in the Bern3D model
Mauro Bolzern: Reconstruction of historical floods of the Aare river in Aarau
Sebastian Eggenberger: Millennial multi-proxy reconstruction of wetland dynamics near the Jordanian Dead Sea
Marlon Fochler: Improving climate resilience in agricultural systems in the western Valle Altos basin in Carabobo, Venezuela
- Anita Frehner: Valuing Climate Services in the Agricultural Sector: Optimal Land Allocation with Seasonal Climate Forecasts (pdf, 1.9 MB)
Lisa Gampp: Impact of Migration on Climate Resilience - The Contribution of Migration to Building Bottom-up Climate Resilience in the Iskanderkul Valley in Tajikistan
Michael Meier: Changes in the risk of spring frost damage for vines due to climate change
Prithvi Naik: The north-south technology transfer problem in mitigating GHG emissions: Analysing the welfare implications of transferring adaptation technology to induce mitigation
- Roman Pohorsky: A climatological analysis of the downstream precipitation extremes response to recurving North Atlantic tropical cyclones (pdf, 3 MB)
- Daniel Regenass: Investigating atmospheric blocking in a series of downscaling experiments with the regional climate model WRF ARW (pdf, 6.4 MB)
- Simon Steffen: This decade's solar photovoltaic emergence: a cross-sectorial investigation of conditions that foster solar photovoltaic electricity production (pdf, 8 MB)
Dario Stocker: Optimal Management of Multi-Purpose Water Reservoirs
- Leonie Villiger: Block detection and European heat waves (pdf, 9.9 MB)
- Stéphanie Arcusa: Two thousand years of tephrochronology and flood frequency using lake sediments from Cajas National Park, Ecuador (pdf, 7.2 MB)
- Remo Bebié: Insights from Behavioral Economics on Climate Negotiations (pdf, 3.8 MB)
- Lucien Chabbey: Volcanic Eruptions and their Impacts on Tropical Climate: A comparison of Model Simulations with Observational Datasets (pdf, 8.8 MB)
- Simon Flückiger: Tambora 1815: Impacts of a volcanic eruption on climate and crop yields in Switzerland (pdf, 13.9 MB)
- Lea Fränkl: A 20th Century Pollution History Reconstruction using Lake Sediments from Cajas National Park, South Central Ecuador (pdf, 6.1 MB)
Moritz Gubler: Fine-scale temperature measurements provide microclimatic evidence for the northernmost glacial refuge for temperate trees south of the Alps
- Danielle Huser: River conveyance analysis in a data sparse and a data rich region: Case studies in Kenya and Switzerland (pdf, 6.5 MB)
Armin Komposch: Deadwood biomass and composition along elevation and land-use gradients at Mount Kilimanjaro
- Adrien Michel: Transient Modeling of Borehole Temperature and Basal Melting in an Ice Sheet (pdf, 18.4 MB)
- Danae Motta: Signature of the 2005 flood event in the sediments of Lake Brienz: Implications for flood reconstructions (pdf, 4 MB)
- Pascal Noti: Hailstorms over Switzerland: Verification of Radar-Based Hail Detection Algorithms with Crowd-Sourced App Data and Hail Sensor Data (pdf, 2.7 MB)
- Marius Schneider: Influences of various drivers of the CO2 emissions in the US with a special focus on the fuel mix (pdf, 1.8 MB)
Matthias Worni: Climate hiatus: A model analysis of the global inner ocean heat content and atmospheric responses
- Regina Daus: Wind resource assessment in complex terrain - validation and comparison of two CFD models (pdf, 7.5 MB)
- Jacqueline Fenwick: Determination of accumulation rates from a shallow firn core of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (pdf, 2.1 MB)
- Benjamin Mayor: Snow cover duration in lowland regions of Switzerland: Comparison of three methods (pdf, 1.5 MB)
- Benjamin Meier: Evolution of the southwest Pacific across the last glacial cycle: Insights from a multi-proxy approach of biological export (pdf, 4.9 MB)
- Jessica Russell: Complex climate change adaptation network in Bhutan; how actor type impacts actor inclusion and clustering (pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Augustine Saugy: Statistical forecasting of snow avalanches situations using field measurements (pdf, 2.2 MB)
Daniel Steinfeld: Microphysical processes leading to PV modification in diabatic Rossby waves
- Päivi van Wijnkoop: Changes in the timing of the seasonal cycle of streamflow in Europe (pdf, 16.3 MB)
- Donatus Berger: Moisture Fluxes over the Alps (pdf, 1.7 MB)
Manuela Brunner: Modeling the influence of spatial and temporal precipitation variability on the peak discharge of the Simme basin in the Berner Oberland
- Valérie Fazan: North Atlantic atmospheric rivers in the ERA-Interim dataset: detection, climatology and link to Swiss floods (pdf, 5.7 MB)
Alena Giesche: Reconstructing Environmental Conditions of the past 8’000 years at Lago Rogaguado, Bolivia (13°S)
- Advait Godbole: Impact of climate-change induced changes in hydrology on the electricity supply in Switzerland and subsequent impacts on the electricity markets in its neighbouring countries (pdf, 1 MB)
- Claudio Kummli: Sensitivity of precipitation to Mediterranean SSTs in the case of the Vb-type cyclone in August 2005 using the regional model WRF (pdf, 19.5 MB)
- Sandrine Morel: Verification of radar-based hail detection algorithms with insurance loss data in Switzerland (pdf, 3.2 MB)
- Basil Neff: IceBern2D: An efficient two-dimensional ice sheet model for paleoclimate studies (pdf, 4.1 MB)
- Patricia Jana Pinninghoff: Climatic and environmental history of the past 1700 years recorded in the sediments of Laguna Espejo (39°S) south-central Chile (pdf, 5.5 MB)
- Iwan Bigler: Evaluation of combined CO2 and O2 measurements taken by the CARIBIC passenger aircraft (pdf, 17 MB)
- Dogushan Kiliç: The Determinants of Decadal Methane Lifetime Change in the Chemistry Climate Model SOCOL: 1900 - 2000 (pdf, 4.1 MB)
Andrea Kropf: Climatological Analysis of High-Precipitation Event in Antarctica for the Time Period of 1979 to 2009
- Patrik Pfister: Influence of Plate Tectonic Rearrangements on Climate (pdf, 6.1 MB)
- Sarah Willi: Modelling Climate Change Impacts on Soybean Yields on the Swiss Plateau (pdf, 8.8 MB)
- Mario Betschart: A Study of Convective Events in Switzerland with Radar and a High-Resolution NWP Model (pdf, 5.2 MB)
- Cornelia Giger: Additionality of Swiss-Chinese CDM Projects (pdf, 3 MB)
Adam Hasenfratz: Temperature reconstruction over the last two millennia based on a stalagmite δ18O record from the Swiss Jura Mountains
- Sebastian Schulze: A comparison of MODTRAN and RTTOV radiative transfer models for lake surface water temperature retrieval (pdf, 3.7 MB)
Nashina Shariff: Enhancing Competitiveness and Addressing Carbon Leakage - A Value Added Based Approach to Emissions Pricing System Design
Noëmi Zweifel: Holocene temperature changes at Lauenensee and Iffigsee (Bernese Alps, Switzerland) reconstructed using fossil
- Simon Albrecht: Validation of the modified SPARC snow retrieval from historical NOAA AVHRR data over the European Alps based on Landsat TM images (pdf, 11 MB)
- Nadine Berthel: Impact of Holocene climate changes on treeline vegetation in the Wallis, Switzerland (pdf, 1.2 MB)
- Eva Bühlmann: Influence of particulate matter on observed albedo reductions on Plaine Morte glacier, Swiss Alps (pdf, 2.3 MB)
- Emanuel Hammer: Calculation and interpretation of cloud peak supersaturations at the Jungfraujoch (pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Christine Ketterer: Investigation of the planetary boundary layer using remote sensing and in-situ measurements at the Kleine Scheidegg and at the Jungfraujoch (pdf, 19.3 MB)
- Eveline Lehmann: Centennial-scale Oscillations of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Freshwater Experiments with the Bern 3D Model (pdf, 3 MB)
- Sandra Meisser: Particle and trace gas measurements of Eyjafjallajökull 2010 – Evolution and ageing of the volcanic ash cloud within Switzerland (pdf, 3.1 MB)
- Jan Rajczak: Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Events in Regional Climate Simulations for the Alpine Region (pdf, 37.1 MB)
- Romina Schürch: CO2 Taxation versus Emissions Trading – An Analytical Representation for Switzerland (pdf, 0.8 MB)
- Claudia Stocker: Mid-latitude Extremes in Ensemble Simulations from 1500 to 2100 (pdf, 12.7 MB)
- Sophie-Berenice Wilmes: Climate Variability in the Mid and High Latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere in Ensemble Simulations from 1500 to 2000 AD (pdf, 17.2 MB)
- Silvan Aerni: Implementing Carbon Capture and Geological Storage in an Integrated Assessment Model (pdf, 1.4 MB)
- Kathrin Martina Hämmerli: A review of multiproxy temperature and precipitation reconstructions for South America during Holocene (pdf, 2.9 MB)
- Patrizia Imhof: Glacier Fluctuations for the Italian Mont Blanc Massif from the Little Ice Age Until the Present (pdf, 14.2 MB)
- Fabienne Lanini: Division of global radiation into direct and diffuse radiation (pdf, 3.3 MB)
- Zoe Lucia Lüthi: Thermal state of permafrost in Central and Western Spitzbergen 2008-2009 (pdf, 1.4 MB)
- Fabian Mauchle: The modern sediments of Lake Oeschinen (Swiss Alps) as an archive for climatic and meteorological events (pdf, 5.1 MB)
- Stefan Meier: Mitigation Policy Bias in Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change (pdf, 2.1 MB)
- Rie Nemoto: Long-term soil carbon changes in different agricultural management systems under past and future climate (pdf, 4.5 MB)
- Siswanto Siswanto: Pacific Climate Variability Changes in Response to Freshwater Discharge in the North Atlantic (pdf, 13.1 MB)
- Johannes Vogel: Promoting renewables cost-effectively: Empirical analysis of photovoltaic power production in Switzerland (pdf, 3.8 MB)
- Jérôme Wider: The impact of high magnitude precipitation events and sediment availability on the timescales of debris floods in the Gratzental basin, Austria (pdf, 25.9 MB)
- Andreas Züger: Climatic and environmental changes during the transition from the Penultimate Glaciation to the Last Interglacial (MIS 6–5e): a case study from Niederweningen, Switzerland (pdf, 3 MB)
- Angela Zumbühl: History of the Black Sea recorded in stalagmites from Northern Turkey (pdf, 3.5 MB)
- Pascal Blanc: Ensemble based uncertainty prediction for deterministic 2m temperature forecasts (pdf, 2.5 MB)
- Stefan Eichenberger: Dehydrin patterns in wheat leaves during severe drought and recovery (pdf, 3.6 MB)
- Gaëlle Fumeaux: Nationally appropriate mitigation actions for developing countries in view of the post-2012 climate regime: case studies (pdf, 0.8 MB)
- Erin Gleeson: Toward a hydroclimatic reconstruction for the Río Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina (pdf, 6.5 MB)
- Christian Grob: Holocene climate variability: statistical detection of rapid changes (pdf, 2.5 MB)
- Andreas Leuenberger: Precipitation Measurements with Microwave Sensors (pdf, 1.6 MB)
- Adrian Mozejko: Sustainability, climate change, and carbon sequestration in Panama (pdf, 4.3 MB)
- Alexander Nauels: Extreme sea levels around NW Iberian Peninsula and their link to atmospheric forcing (pdf, 13.1 MB)
- Fabian Ruoss: Key Factors Affecting the Deployment of Electricity Generation Technologies in Energy Technology Scenarios (pdf, 1.4 MB)
- Philippe Wäger: Glacier - climate modeling in Las Leñas, Central Andes of Argentina (pdf, 5.1 MB)
- Loredana Politano: Extreme temperature events in the Mediterranean (pdf, 1.7 MB)
Ph.D. in Climate Sciences
- Giorgia Beffa: Exploring prehistoric vegetational and agricultural dynamics using high-resolution sedimentary time series from Central Italy
- Laura Lipfert: Heatwaves through Time: A 600-year Perspective on global and European Summers
- Sarah Rowan: Geochemical Characterisation of Carbon Cycling in the Karstic Critical Zone
- Jack Baker: Conceptualizing, Measuring and Explaining Vertical Policy Harmonization in the Climate Change Regime
- Moritz Burger: From measurements to models - the application of low-cost urban air temperature data in two Swiss cities
- Sevil Coşgun: Exploring cryptic Mediterranean Abies alba stands to check a genetic climate impact hypothesis and vegetation model projections
- Adrianus Damanik: Paleoenvironmental records derived from two ferruginous lakes on Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Laura Dziomber: Vegetation dynamics in the Swiss Alps: Past, present, and future perspectives
- Imogen Gabriel: Blast(s) from the past: insights into the timing and climate impacts of Common Era volcanic eruptions
- Kathrin Ganz: From sea to summit: Reconstructing Holocene vegetation, biodiversity and fire dynamics in northern Greece and southern Ukraine under changing land use and climate
- Lukas Heinzmann: The Einsiedeln monastery's diary written by Father Joseph Dietrich: The genesis of the diary and an analysis of his weather oberservations, 1670-1704. / Entstehungsgeschichte und klimahistorische Auswertung des Einsiedler Kloster-Tagebuchs von Pater Joseph Dietrich, 1670-1704
- Marco Hostettler: Population, Land Use and Human-Environment Dynamics in the Prehistoric Southeastern Balkans
- Jérôme Kopp: Hail Observations in Switzerland
- Florian Krauss: Insights into the past global carbon cycle and fluctuations of the stable carbon isotopic composition
- Andrej Maczkowski: Advancing chronology: tree-rings, absolute dating, and precipitation variability in the prehistoric southwestern Balkans
- Mason Majszak: Explicating expert judgment and its role in overcoming uncertainty in climate science
- Michaela Mühl: Using stable isotopes and higher alkanes to improve methane cycle reconstructions on polar ice cores
- Tsolmongerel Papilloud: Vulnerability of road networks to floods in different perspectives
- Lucas Pfister: Dynamical Downscaling and Data Assimilation in Central Europe Using the WRF Model
- Margaret Ryan: Multi-data hail products for Switzerland
- Anna Schmid: Essays in Climate Economics
- Christopher Thoma: Modelling the biological carbon cycle under future global warming
- Lieveke van Vugt: he impact of Early Holocene climate change on the vegetation and the implications for the introduction of farming to Europe
- Wenyue Wang: Investigation of precipitation and its retrieval using ground-based remote sensing techniques
- Giulia Wienhues: The paleolimnological perspective on the evolution of the Lake Victoria ecosystem
- Eveline Zbinden: Europäischer Hochwasser-Atlas des 14. Jahrhunderts. Räumlich-zeitlich differenzierte Analyse der Hochwasser basierend auf einer interdisziplinären Analyse ausgehend von historischen Quellen
- Chantal Zeppenfeld: Quantifying past changes in insoluble particles in ice cores
- Patrick Bigler: Household preferences for technological innovations and renewable energy sources
- Angela-Maria Burgdorf: Variability of large-scale atmospheric circulation and hydroclimate from documentary climate data and reconstructions
- Dino Collalti: Essays in Climate Economics
- Markus Grimmer: Reconstructing past mean ocean temperature using noble-gas ratios in the EDC ice core
- Noemi Imfeld: A daily reconstruction of historical weather to study past climate variability and impacts
- Natacha Legrix: Distribution, drivers, and impacts of compound marine heatwave and low net primary productivity extreme events in the ocean
- Marius Mayer: Sustainable management of organic matter in a Swiss arable soil - carbon sequestration dynamics under various farming systems
- Eric Samakinwa: Variability of the Ocean and Atmosphere during the Little Ice Age using models and reconstruction
- Thomas Singer: Pre-industrial to industrial changes of carbonaceous aerosol concentrations for Europe and Siberia
- Yunuén Temoltzin Loranca: Late Pleistocene and Holocene Vegetation, Fire and Climate Dynamics in the Lake Victoria Area
- Antoine Thévenaz: Reconstructing the climate and environment of the Southern Balkans during the Neolithic in relation to land use change in the cradle of European farming
- Syed Mubashshir Ali: Recurrent Rossby waves: drivers and links to persistent weather
- Moritz Buchmann: How does the homogenisation of snow measurements impact snow climatology in the Alps? (Hom4Snow)
- Marcel Bühler: Measurement of methane emissions from confined sources using the inverse dispersion method
- Christophe Espic: Methane extraction and 14C measurements from the different environmental materials for a better understanding of the sources
- Stéphanie Musy: Further developments of radio-noble gas groundwater dating – assessment of 39Ar and 37Ar underground production, and development of a new 85Kr sampling technique
- Victor Onink: From coastlines to the deep sea: modeling plastic transport in the global ocean
- Mara Muriel Renn: Quantifying human impacts to tease apart cultural and climatic drivers of Holocene vegetation change
- Pauline Rivoire: On the assessment of precipitation extremes in reanalysis and ensemble forecast datasets
- Elisabeth Tschumi: The effects of differing drought-heat signatures on terrestrial carbon dynamics and vegetation composition using dynamic vegetation modelling
- Tito Arosio: Measurements of stable isotopes of cellulose from tree rings on Holocene samples - influence of plant species and cambial age and their impact on the interpretation of palaeoclimate
- Hélène Barras: On hail in Switzerland - crowdsourcing, nowcasting and multi-day hail clusters
- Cloé Bouscary: Application of OSL-thermochronometry for determining landscape evolution of the Himalayan foreland (Nepal)
- Ashley Dinauer: What numerical modeling can tell us about the ocean carbon cycle: New perspectives from Earth System and marine particle flux models (pdf, 0 MB)
- Anik Glaus: Climate change extremes and adaptation strategies considering uncertainty and federalism (CCAdapt)
- Fabio Guedes Magrani: Quaternary climate forcing on Alpine glacier dynamics and subglacial erosion patterns: insights from morphometrics and numerical modelling
- Camilla Jensen: Continuous high-resolution aerosol record from the East Greenland Ice Core Project covering the entire Holocene
- Woon Mi Kim: Extreme Hydrological Events during the last 3500 years and their Changes in the Future
- Moritz Köster: Climate−dependent phosphorus forms and their utilization by plants and microorganisms
- Prisca Lehmann: Development of a new measurement system for d15N of ammonium in polar ice cores
- Regula Mülchi: Future changes of Swiss river runoff and extreme vertically integrated moisture transport
- Jurek Müller: Wetlands through time - modeling changes in area and greenhouse gas budgets from the past to the future
- Céline Portenier: High-resolution snow cover retrieval using public webcams
- Elena Serra: Paleo-glacier history and geomorphic evolution in the Western European Alps since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Luyao Tu: Sedimentary phosphorus dynamics in response to lake trophy and mixing regime changes during the Late-Glacial, Holocene and the Anthropocene: three case studies from deep lakes in Switzerland
- Patricio Andrés Velasquez Alvárez: Regional Climate Modelling over Europe at Glacial Times
- Paul Zander: The varved sediments of Lake Żabińskie, Poland as a high-resolution archive of environmental change
- Christine Aebi: Influence of clouds on the surface radiation budget: Measurement and case studies at various sites in Switzerland
- Eri Amsler: Paleoceanographic dynamics of the Southern Indian Ocean reconstructed from geochemical and sedimentological proxies across the last glacial cycle
- Leonie Bernet: Detecting trends of stratospheric ozone and tropospheric water vapour at mid-latitudes using measurements from multiple techniques
- Van Cong Doan: Interactive effects of elevated temperature, drought and elevated CO2 on tri-trophic interactions in maize
- Ling Fang: Radiocarbon analysis of dissolved organic carbon from ice cores
- Aurich Jeltsch-Thömmes: From centuries to glacial-interglacial timescales: modeling carbon and carbon isotopes in the Earth system
- Julian Laabs: Modelling of population density, land use and settlement dynamics in Neolithic and Bronze Age Western Switzerland
- Stamatina Makri: Exploring VNIR Hyperspectral Imaging of varved lake sediments: Methods and Applications on Late Glacial-Holocene time scales in lakes across Europe (Switzerland, Poland)
- Andrea Sanchini: Development and improvement of spectrometric, chromatographic and hyperspectral imaging methods in lake sediments: case studies from Switzerland and Poland
- Loic Schmidely: Methane and Nitrous Oxide During the Penultimate Deglaciation Using a Newly Developed Analytical System
- Veronika Valler: Improved monthly atmospheric paleo-reanalysis of the last 400 years
- Nina Zarrineh: Integrated assessment of alternative land use strategies on multiple ecosystem services under current and future climate conditions
- Yannick Barton: Development and multi-year analysis of sub-hourly blended high-resolution precipitation fields over Switzerland
- Marcel Bliedtner: Evaluating the potential of leaf wax biomarkers in fluvial sediment-paleosol sequences - A case study from the upper Alazani River, SE Georgia (Caucasus)
- Christoph Dätwyler: Variability and teleconnection stationarity of SAM and ENSO over the last millennium
- Tilman de la Haye: Tibetan Plateau: Formation - Climate - Ecosystems (TiP) Past and present human impact on Kobresia pastural ecosystems as deduced from soil organic matter studies
- Angélique Hameau: Emergence of anthropogenic deoxygenation and warming in the upper ocean: results from Earth System Model simulations
- Luise Keller: Floods in Meso-Scale Catchments - On Processes and Projections of Floods and Flood Loss
- Elke Kellner: Multi-purpose reservoirs for alleviating water shortages: Opportunities and challenges in the governance processes to coordinate competing resource uses under climate change
- Luca Nisi: Spatial and temporal distribution of hailstorms in the Alpine region. A long term, high resolution, radar-based analysis
- Ece Satar: Stability of gas standards for climate research: Study of chemical and physical influences of material surfaces
- Helga Weber: Long-term active fire products retrieved from AVHRR satellite data over Europe: From algorithm assessment to its applications
- Marcelo Zamuriano: Atmospheric Circulation during Heavy Precipitation Episodes over the Central Andes
- Sandra Brügger: FrozenNature - The palynological contribution to reconstruct paleo fire, vegetation, land use, and pollution dynamics from high-alpine ice cores
- Anna Dal Farra: Effect of light-absorbing impurities on the albedo of the Alpine glacier Plaine Morte
- Anouk Sabina Guyer: Impact of climate change on belowground tritrophic interactions: A case study involving maize, Diabrotica rootworms and their natural enemies
- Sina Lenggenhager: Dynamical and statistical links between atmospheric blocks and heavy precipitation events
- Gian Lieberherr: A 35-Years Dataset of Surface Water Temperature from European Lakes, derived from the AVHRR sensor
- Sebastian Lienert: Modelling the Terrestrial Biosphere: Uncertainties and Constraints
- Marina Morlock: Depositional modes and post-depositional mineral formation in a Pleistocene sediment record from Lake Towuti, Indonesia
- Tiziana Pedrotta: Tracking Holocene fire history, vegetational and land-use changes at five new Mediterranean sites in Sardinia, Northern Italy and Crete
- Matthias Röthlisberger: Synoptic-scale Rossby waves in the mid-latitudes - a climatological analysis of their initiation and link to high-impact surface weather
- Veronika Röthlisberger: Spatial and temporal aspects of flood exposure: Analyses and models based on public and insurance data in Switzerland
- Tobias Schneider: Lake sediments as paleo climatic and environmental history archives - Case studies from Ecuador and Switzerland
- Lena Thöle: A proxy-based reconstruction of paleoceanographic dynamics in the Southern Indian Ocean
- Carole Adolf: Calibrating fire and vegetation proxies across large geographic and climatic gradients for quantitative environmental reconstructions
- Gianna Battaglia: Probabilistic assessments of the marine biogeochemical cycles of calcium carbonate, nitrous oxide, and oxygen
- Daniel Bernet: On the occurrence and modeling of surface water floods
- Tobias Erhardt: New approaches in interpreting high resolution aerosol records from Greenland ice cores
- Christin Hoffmann-Erb: Adapation to Climate Change in Switzerland
- Heli Huhtamaa: Frost and food crises: understanding climate, its impacts, and food system vulnerability to climate change in medieval and early modern North-East Europe
- Stefan Hunziker: Data quality, homogenization, and trend analysis of Central Andean weather station observations
- Abdul Malik: Influence of External Forcings and Modes of Ocean Variability on Indian Summer Monsoon
- Martina Messmer: High-Impact Weather Events: Assessing the sensitivity of the Vb-type cyclones to SSTs and climate change
- Fabian Rey: Exploring eight millennia of climatic, vegetational and agricultural dynamics on the Swiss Plateau by using annually layered sedimentary time series
- Marco Rohrer: Long-term changes of weather extremes in a large ensemble of climate model simulations (EXTRA-LARGE)
- Imke Schäfer: Evaluation and application of terrestrial molecular fossils as paleoclimate proxies
- Johannes Schindler: An Extraction System for Radiocarbon Microanalysis of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Glacier Ice
- Mikhaël Schwander: Atmospheric circulation and weather patterns variability in Switzerland over the last 250 years
- Simona Trefalt: Hail and Severe Wind Gusts in the Convective Season in Switzerland
- Lorenz Wüthrich: Into and out of the last glaciation- a multi proxy approach on glacial deposits, lake sediments, and loess
- Malin Michelle Ziehmer: Alpine Holocene tree ring isotope records
- Marius Büchi: Overdeepened glacial basins as archives for the Quaternary landscape evolution of the Alps
- Christoph Butz: Hyperspectral imaging of lake sediments: Methods and applications in a meromict lake of NE Poland
- Lena Hellmann: Potential and limitation of Arctic driftwood as an environmental archive
- Stefan Klesse: Annually resolved forest biomass growth in Europe
- Verena Lanny: Upper ocean (de)oxygenation across the last glacial termination - implications for the south Pacific oxygen and nutrient inventories
- Melanie Salvisberg: Der ‚teuerste Wildbach der Schweiz‘. Die Umsetzung von Hochwasserschutzkonzepten vor Ort unter Einschluss ihrer vielfältigen Konsequenzen am Beispiel der Gürbe, 1848-2008
- Stéphane Affolter: Innovative isotope ratio measurements of speleothem fluid inclusions
- Federico Cossu: Study of atmospheric water over Bern by means of ground-based observations and numerical simulations
- Paraskevi Giannakaki: Climatological analysis of tropopause-level synoptic-scale flows, links to extreme precipitation events in Europe and forecast errors
- Anamaria Häuselmann: Late Quaternary and Holocene paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental reconstructions – a multi-proxy approach on Swiss speleothems
- Kathrin Keller: Variability of the ocean carbon cycle in comprehensive Earth system models
- Edgar Schmucki: 21st century snow response to climate change in Switzerland
- Sarina Steinmann: Cost Sharing Agreements for International Rivers
- Tabea Stötter: Methane-derived carbon in recent and ancient lake sediments-Analyses of lipids and invertebrate remains
- Martin Wegmann: Arctic circulation patterns and subsequent cryosphere changes for Arctic warm periods during the last 100 years
- Benjamin Amann: Varved lake sediments as archives for climate reconstructions
- Christine Bollig: Grassland under reduced summer precipitation: impacts on selected species during drought stress and subsequent recovery
- Paul Froidevaux: Meteorological characterisation of floods in Switzerland
- Martín Jacques Coper: A multiscale analysis of summer temperature variability in Southern South America during the 20th century
- Gregory King: Intra-annual tree growth response to warming along an elevational gradient (pdf, 35.4 MB)
- Stefan Muthers: Chemistry Climate Interactions in the Coupled Atmosphere-Chemistry Ocean Model SOCOL-MPIOM (pdf, 37.8 MB)
- Pavlina Pavlova: Accelerated release of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from Alpine glaciers (pdf, 2.8 MB)
- Päivi Rinta: Lacustrine methane cycling in different environments - Observations from a multi-lake survey and a sediment record
- Jos Schilder: Methanogenic carbon in Daphnia tissue as an indicator of lacustrine methane budgets - Observations from the field, experiments and fossil records
- Simon Siegenthaler: Information and Procedural Aspects in Negotiations and Coalition Formation
- Richard Wartenburger: Global Historical Upper-Air Observations? Error Quantification, Homogenization, and Analysis.
- Isabel Wendl: High resolution records of black carbon and other aerosol constituents from the Lomonosovfonna 2009 ice core (pdf, 9 MB)
- Petra Breitenmoser: Climatic growth signatures in observed and modelled tree-rings - constraints from a global tree- ring network (pdf, 5.8 MB)
- Pierre-Alain Herren: Ice core based climate reconstruction from the Mongolian Altai (pdf, 7.8 MB)
- Tommy Klein: Adapting agricultural land management to climate change - A regional multi-objective optimization study (pdf, 2.6 MB)
- Flavio Lehner: Estimating natural and anthropogenic responses of the water cycle in the Earth system using comprehensive coupled climate models (pdf, 15.8 MB)
- Daiana Leuenberger: The High Resolution NEEM Aerosol Records Over the Last 3000 Years: A New Approach to Determine Wildfire Frequency
- Isabella Mariani: Water stable isotopes in Alpine ice cores as proxies for temperature and atmospheric circulation
- Shyam Ranjan: Mass independent fractionation in tropospheric H2O: relation to precipitation pH, ozone, radiocarbon and stratosphere-troposphere exchange
- Christoph Schwörer: Drivers of Holocene vegetation dynamics in the Northwestern Swiss Alps
- Benjamin Stocker: Climate Forcings and Feedbacks from the Terrestrial Biosphere - From Greenhouse-Gas Emissions to Anthropogenic Land Use Change
- Oliver Wetter: Rekonstruktion von Temperaturen und Hochwassern vom Mittelalter bis ins 21. Jahrhundert mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Extremen
- Renate Auchmann: Long-term daily and sub-daily climate records from Switzerland - homogenization and applications
- Camilla Calò: Vegetation and climate dynamics of the last 10,000 years in Silicy and central Mediterranean
- Julie Elbert: High-resolution climate reconstructions from lake sediments in Southern Chile, Patagonian Andes
- Daniel Lachat: Dimming and Brightening trends in global and direct solar radiation from 1909 to 2010 at Davos, Switzerland
- Johannes Rempfer: Modelling studies on the paleoceanographic potential of neodymium as a novel circulation proxy
- Seraina Badertscher: Palaeohydrology, palaeoclimate and palaeoecology in northern Turkey as recorded in stalagmites from Sofular Cave
- Ozan Mert Göktürk: Climate in the Eastern Mediterranean through the Holocene inferred from Turkish stalagmites (pdf, 24.5 MB)
- Thomas Rosenberg: Palaeoclimate history of the Arabian Peninsula: Humid phases recorded in lake deposits (pdf, 7.3 MB)
- Stéphanie Samartin: Chironomid-based environmental and climatic reconstructions for the past 30000 years from the northern Italian peninsula
- Monique Stewart: High-resolution, multi-proxy climate reconstructions of the late Holocene derived from the varved sediments of two lakes in the Swiss Alps (pdf, 6 MB)
- Franz Kuglitsch: Extreme Temperature Events in the Mediterranean Region
- Raphael Neukom: Multiproxy climate reconstruction for southern South America back to AD 900
- Samuel Nussbaumer: Continental-scale glacier variations in Europe (Alps, Scandinavia) and their connection to climate over the last centuries
- Manuel Schläppi: Accumulation rates and chemical composition of precipitation derived from Pio XI ice core, Southern Patagonia Icefield
- Andrea Toreti: Extreme Events in the Mediterranean: Analysis and Dynamics
- Mathias Trachsel: Climate variability over the last millennium as recorded in the sediments of high-altitude Lake Silvaplana, Switzerland: data, methods and limitations (pdf, 7.1 MB)
- Fabio Fontana: From single pixel to continental scale: using AVHRR and MODIS to study land surface parameters in mountain regions (pdf, 9.9 MB)
- Marcel Küttel: European climate dynamics and long-term variations over the past centuries (pdf, 17.9 MB)
- Lucien von Gunten: High-resolution, quantitative climate reconstruction over the past 1000 years and pollution history derived from lake sediments in Central Chile (pdf, 4 MB)
- Nadja Riedwyl: European climate reconstructions back to 1000 AD – a methodological approach (pdf, 6 MB)