The Graduate School of Climate Sciences offers reimbursement for travel expenses to courses held at ETH Zurich. The total reimbursement for your entire studies can sum up to 1200 CHF, with a maximum per semester of 600 CHF. Travel expenses from Bern HB to Zürich HB are reimbursed (or from place of residence, if lower). The lowest amount from the following options will be reimbursed per semester travelled:
a) For Half Fare Travelcard Holders
- Up to CHF 600.00, based on single ticket prices
b) For GA (General-Abonnement) Travelcard Holders
- CHF 600.00
- Total cost of single half fare tickets for each travel date
- 16/52 weeks of the annual GA travelcard cost
- 30 % of up to 4 monthly GA travelcards
You can apply for the reimbursement of travel expenses by filling in the ReimbursementTravelExpenses form. All expenses must be covered by proofs of travelcard or ticket purchases, provided as electronic receipts or as paper tickets. Stick all proofs on a sheet of paper and number them consecutively. Write down all travel dates, even if you have a GA travelcard.
Submit the form and proofs as soon as you have finished attendance, to the GSCS Secretariat. Please note that the payment process can take up to two months.
Special regulations apply for the Introduction Course: Please add these travel expenses to the reimbursement form of the semester in which they occurred. If you do not plan to take courses outside the University of Bern hand in a reimbursement form for the Introduction Course only.